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My Dungeons & Dragons Portfolio Had Nothing To Do With D&D

Dungeons and Dragons Portfolio 2020-04-05-0065.jpg My Dungeons & Dragons Portfolio Had Nothing To Do With D&DThumbnailsMy Dungeons & Dragons Portfolio Had Nothing To Do With D&DMy Dungeons & Dragons Portfolio Had Nothing To Do With D&DThumbnailsMy Dungeons & Dragons Portfolio Had Nothing To Do With D&DMy Dungeons & Dragons Portfolio Had Nothing To Do With D&DThumbnailsMy Dungeons & Dragons Portfolio Had Nothing To Do With D&DMy Dungeons & Dragons Portfolio Had Nothing To Do With D&DThumbnailsMy Dungeons & Dragons Portfolio Had Nothing To Do With D&D

* was very likely 1 cauMn*t imagine her not being- pretty* All the way to Phoenix I thought about every tiling that I could remem -her about Wendy Cross*! remember how guys would run after hera at partiea and ho-w Don wouldn*t do anything about it*I don't C see why she married that, clodhopper,he * s such a wimpo*I don'tt see how they could already have two kids after ornly taro years with a guy like .that*! .can- see her having; a country of kids,but not, him*I couldn’t wait to see 'their house.Prom, how she described it,it sounded like a palace' compared to. i, the dump I was staying in now*I haven't seen a glass door in years.This looked like a .lot to remember after leaving,but leaving was the farthest thing ^gvsHfro.m my mind.I didn't know how Long I was going to stay,but* I

* /\P'P ia waa sure- to treasure, every moment* f . k

c i + y)oK

I left the. bus station at exactly the time I was supposed t© for a change.I wasn't expecting Wendy to be there,so I was-n't going, to look for her.It's a good thing,because I don't think she's |.ere.fl[er address and phone number was in my pocket, but I had no intention of calling her.I wanted this to be a surprise for both of us.all the way over there,! was trying to ex-

actly remember Wedy's. face.It kept flashing in front of me,but it was never there long enough Tor me to. remember it.The blonde hair was what I remembered best.And her perfect teeth.Everythig was set.I'd knock on her door,she'd answer it,and we'd hug each other and yell,'Where have you been ya old buzzard?'Then Dan. and his kids, would rush to. the door and say hi,but they probably wouldn't get very emotional about it like we would.I'll bet Don would even get jealous about our hugging each other like that.

I. shouldn't think about my friends like that,but that's the way Don was after high school started,which, is why our friendship drifted away.

Wendy was right about, the drive through Arizona,it was

very scenic fee looking at the,150° heat In my air-conditioned

bus .Wendy was always, right about everything.! wonder why it took Don and her so long to get married?Whatever the reason was,it

was probablyaa good one.Wendy never does anything^thout a good,